About Belt Promotion

Each belt level assists students in goal setting as they develop skills according to the curriculum. Our belt system is designed to provide class structure where students can train in a group that is appropriate for their skill set and is not intended as an extrinsic reward.

We encourage students to be familiar with our belt curriculum, (all belt levels can be viewed here in this website).


Little Ninjas

Students will receive “stripes” on their belt in recognition of the number of classes they have attended. The attendance computer will tell your child when to visit the office to get their new stripe.

Little Ninjas become eligible to work through the main belt progression when they choose to move up to the Junior program at 7 years old.


There are 2 methods by which students are invited to test - belt stripes and instructor selection.

Training Belt Stripe: Once a student has demonstrated consistent training, they earn their first stripe. This initial strip is an indication to the instructors that the student may start earning their skill stripes.

Skill Belt Stripes: Student may earn up to 4 stripes on their belt after which they are candidates for an age appropriate belt test.

Instructor Selections: A weekly review of student progress identifies those students who are performing at their next belt level, even if they have not yet received their stripes in class. These students will be invited to an age appropriate belt test.

At a belt test it is common to see a mixture of students who have all the skill stripes on their belt, and students without all stripes who were selected to test. Both methods represent equal achievement by the student.

Black Belt Test

All students, regardless of athletic ability, age or physical limitations, are capable of achieving their black belt. Our program, from white belt forward, is an individualized program designed to enhance the mind, body and spirit of each student. Since we are all unique with individual needs, strengths and areas of limitations or weaknesses, the program of martial arts and philosophy must be tailored specifically.

Generally, as a student approaches this level and is preparing for their black belt test, the student will pick up a package from the office staff that will outline the basic procedures that lead up to the test. There is a written reflective component that is to be completed and handed in one month prior to the test date. Participating students will create their own personal pattern (or kata) that needs to be authorized by the full time teaching staff. There are options regarding selections of uniform and belt embroidery, color and sizes. The student schedules a meeting(s) with the head instructor to individualize the preparation, learning and review process leading up to the test.

On test day, students meet several hours prior to the physical test to share and explore wisdom and philosophical concepts. The physical part of the test is usually around four hours in length, is safe, fun, challenging, and hopefully inspiring.

We look forward to supporting you on your martial arts and life skills journey.