Little Ninjas (5-6 yrs)

45 minute class, once per week

Emphasis is on empowering and nurturing students to develop great manners, respect, and self-discipline. We facilitate students to improve their physical literacy, co-ordination, agility, flexibility, strength and body awareness. The environment is non-competitive, inclusive and accepting, with consistent structure and clear expectations. Students will be learning to communicate effectively and respectfully, while developing their voice or ability to advocate for themselves and others. Little Ninja’s learn to cooperate in small and large groups as they become more confident in how they interact with others. True respect first is developed through self-respect and confidence. Your child’s evolving positive self-esteem is our primary objective.

Junior (7–10 Yrs)

One hour class, twice per week

Emphasis is on effective communication skills and self-esteem. Apart from teaching realistic self-defense and martial arts, we include anatomy, first aid and life skills while having FUN. Philosophical concepts and life skill tools are introduced via Coaches Corners dispersed throughout their classes.

Intermediates (10 - 13 yrs)

One hour class, twice per week

This program also focuses on empowering our students with life skills and philosophical concepts that enhance their social skills, leadership potential, and evolving self-worth. Students are encouraged to be mindful of their thoughts, words and behaviour, so that they can take ownership and responsibility in shaping their future.

Teen (13+ yrs)

One hour class, twice per week

The Teen program assists emerging young adults to set goals, practice awareness, and to harness confidence, trust and optimism, while developing their own code of conduct. This is accomplished through dynamic martial art classes and specific life skill lesson sessions called Coaches Corners.



Realistic self-defense and martial arts are developed through collaboration in a non-competitive atmosphere. Emphasis is on enhancing personal wellness and attaining fitness goals in addition to the martial arts training. Exploration of philosophical concepts that enhance personal development, relationships, leadership, and inner peace are exemplified through martial arts training.  Every class starts with a warm-up to prevent injuries, build strength and cardio fitness according to each student's physical abilities.

A true mixed martial arts system with a strong background in Hapkido (Aikido, Judo, Tae-kwon-do), and has influences from Boxing, Kickboxing, numerous styles from Kung Fu, Kempo Karate, Filipino Martial Arts, and Jui-Jitsu, practiced in a fun, non-competitive, and safe atmosphere. 


Safe and controlled sparring is an important aspect of our program as it allows our students to practice their technique and improve their flow. Our sparring has 3 progressive levels of intensity allowing students to participate at a level that meets their individual needs, from no contact to light touch contact. Sparring is a conscious practice to mutually benefit both partners in all aspects of personal development. The intention for our sparring is to learn how to cooperate with your partner so that you both can learn and grow in a safe environment.