From enthusiast to fanatic, a fan is a bundle of appreciation and admiration, yet being a fan may not always be healthy.  Occasionally, fans live too much of their life through the accomplishments of others. We attempt to add meaning to our lives by association with the object of our fan fair. When a fan draws energy from a celebrity, pressuring for autographs, photo opts, and time in their presence, it is often an effort to bolster the fan’s self-worth. The fan may have awarded little thought to the privacy or well-being of their celebrity. In some ways, fanatical fans become like a parasite on the celebrity host. Much of this needy behaviour is tolerated as it feeds the ego of both the fan and the famous, which provides the much sought-after media attention that a large fan base seeks. Fanaticism usually robs privacy, dignity, and freedom that no amount of money can protect.

Alternatively, when an individual becomes passionate about the deeds of another, when their supportive actions fan the flames of their efforts and achievements, then this behaviour is not necessarily needy or invasive. A healthy fan has their own goals and aspirations, they have a life which is not defined by someone else’s existence. They have plenty of respect for themselves, therefore they have no need to ride the other person’s wave of fame to give meaning to their lives.

As we learn to fan our own passions, to assist ourselves along our journey of contributions, we become better at supporting others. Dreaming about what we can accomplish is healthy if it is followed by planning, preparation, hard work and ethical action. Fantasizing about being someone else, while elevating that person above others, is an avoidance to the feelings we have about our current life. Those actions are not supportive, rather they are obscuring our potential. Let’s practice being happy for other people’s success, and when it feels right, we can enthusiastically support them and their positive message. Yet, it is vital to be a fan of our own dreams, to encourage ourselves to contribute, no matter how great or small our impact may be.

Successful individuals face numerous obstacles in the process of living their dreams. Emotional resiliency and self-love are acquired along the journey to overcome our inner critic, as well as to learn from and dispel the naysayers. We can be a fan of anyone that needs love and support. The wonderful reality is, that by helping others we can’t help but help ourselves. Being a force of positive enthusiasm for all the people in our lives is an amazing attribute. Equally, be a fan of your passions, stoking the fires of your dreams, and relationships. After all, everyone deserves happiness, fulfillment, and purpose. However, we must earn it, take risks for it, work and play to develop the life we want. If we spend too much time following others, living our lives vicariously through their efforts, we will lack the energy that is needed to build the life we desire. Let those that we admire fuel our inspiration to take action and become a full participant in this amazing life rather than merely a spectator of it. Be a humble and energetic fan of you!    


Instructor Chris