So many times in life I was certain my goals were out of reach. Perhaps they were beyond me at that time because I couldn’t see them happening. I didn’t believe in the possibility. I didn’t feel the necessary resources were ever going to come available. I was also spending more time thinking why it wasn’t going to happen, than thinking about how it could. The safeguard is, we can’t be disappointed if we don’t think it’s possible. Sometimes our minds keep our aspirations small in an attempt to protect us from such disappointments. Tearing down our goals is the minds safety strategy. By thinking small, we don’t lose big. But, by not believing in us, in our aspirations, we build resentments and regrets, rather than building our goals. There are ways to take small steps to achieve sought after gains. There is always the risk of failure, and yet failures cause growth and growth involves learning, which hastens the path towards success.

The first step is to believe. We seldom achieve what we cannot conceive. It is crucial to believe in the possibility, to think that our goal is doable. If we can see ourselves in the process of attaining our goal, then we are focussing on the necessary and progressive steps which support that opportunity. If we can’t imagine our goals being achieved, our minds will focus on the barriers.  Therefore, no matter how unlikely our goal is, it is imperative that we find a way to believe, to convince ourselves that success is achievable. This mindset is what we need to be persistent, and it also allows us to confidently persuade people who can assist us with our goals.

Secondly, we must invest in ourselves. Invest in learning the knowledge, acquiring the skills, developing the competencies, and procuring the necessary funds. We must be willing to work for it. When our goal is monumental, we often can not see our way to the end result. So it is essential to just begin.  Start with small steps, make good on the little goals, like Lego, they will slowly build and gather momentum.

Thirdly, we must push past the naysayers, and not accept initial setbacks as deal breakers. Most setbacks are chances for us to step back, encouraging our mind to be more receptive to alternative prospects and strategies. When I review the many setbacks on my endeavors, they invariably lead to a more practical, more feasible, and generally a more financially prudent choice. The set back is a challenge to our belief, and a call to invest in our continued learning. Where problems arise, new opportunities almost always come about for those who prevail.

Lastly, unless you have no alternative, don’t do it alone.  By being an island we restrict ourselves to a limited set of resources, from technology to mentorship. If people are willing, allow them to be in service to your goals. Seek knowledgeable, wise counsel, and inspiration. Think of goals as a team approach, for there is strength in collaboration that yields outcomes that will surpass all of your expectations.

Especially during challenging times, do not forget to lend a hand to support others in achieving their dreams. When we assist those in need without thought of reward, burdens on both sides get lightened in the process. So, to achieve, first believe! See all problems or setbacks as creative opportunities. Finally, if it is a worthy goal, include others and accomplish it together. See yourself not alone in victory, rather visualize a team or family celebrating the accomplishment, for joy is so much sweeter when shared.

Sensei Chris